Manual Bidding

One important aspect of PPC advertising is bid management, which involves deciding how much to bid on specific keywords and phrases in order to reach the desired audience and achieve optimal ROI.

In manual bidding, the advertiser has full control over the bid amount for each keyword or phrase. This means that the advertiser must carefully consider the value of each keyword or phrase and set the bid amount accordingly.

One important factor to consider when setting bid amounts is the competition for the keyword or phrase. If there is a lot of competition for a particular keyword or phrase, the bid amount may need to be higher in order to have a chance at displaying the ad on the SERP. On the other hand, if there is little competition for a particular keyword or phrase, the bid amount can be lower.

Another factor to consider when setting bid amounts is the value of the keyword or phrase to the business. Some keywords or phrases may be more valuable to the business than others, and as such, may warrant a higher bid amount. For example, a business that sells expensive products may be willing to pay more for a keyword like “luxury watches” than for a keyword like “cheap watches”.

It is also important to consider the budget for the PPC campaign when setting bid amounts. The bid amount for each keyword or phrase should not exceed the budget for the campaign, as this could lead to wasted ad spend.

Advantages of Manual Bidding

There are several advantages to using manual bidding for PPC advertising:

  • Flexibility: Manual bidding gives the advertiser full control over the bid amount for each keyword or phrase, which allows for flexibility in the campaign. This is especially useful for businesses with a variety of products or services, as the bid amount can be adjusted for each keyword or phrase based on its value to the business.
  • Precision: Manual bidding allows the advertiser to set the bid amount for each keyword or phrase with precision, which can help to target the desired audience more effectively. This is particularly useful for businesses with a specific target audience or those that want to target specific geographic locations.
  • Transparency: With manual bidding, the advertiser can see exactly how much they are bidding for each keyword or phrase, which can help to provide transparency in the campaign. This is especially useful for businesses that want to track their ad spend and make informed decisions about their PPC campaigns.

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Disadvantages of Manual Bidding

While manual bidding offers many advantages, there are also some disadvantages to consider:

  • Time-consuming: Setting the bid amount for each keyword or phrase manually can be time-consuming, especially for businesses with a large number of keywords or phrases. This can be particularly challenging for businesses with limited resources or those that are new to PPC advertising.
  • Less efficient: Automatic bidding algorithms are designed to optimise the bid amount for each keyword or phrase in real-time based on the performance of the ad. This can make automatic bidding more efficient than manual bidding, as the advertiser does not have to constantly adjust the bid amount manually. However, this efficiency may come at the cost of flexibility and control, as the advertiser is not able to set the bid amount for each keyword or phrase manually.
  • Less control: As mentioned earlier, manual bidding gives the advertiser full control over the bid amount for each keyword or phrase. However, this can also be a disadvantage, as the advertiser may not have the same level of expertise as an automatic bidding algorithm. This can lead to suboptimal bid amounts, which may result in poor performance for the ad.

Tips for Successful Manual Bidding

Despite the potential disadvantages, manual bidding can be a successful strategy for PPC advertising if it is done properly. Here are a few tips to help ensure success:

  • Research keywords and phrases: It is important to thoroughly research the value and competition for each keyword or phrase before setting the bid amount. This can help to ensure that the bid amount is appropriate and that the ad has a chance of being displayed on the SERP.
  • Track performance: It is important to track the performance of the ad for each keyword or phrase in order to determine the effectiveness of the bid amount. If the ad is not performing well, the bid amount may need to be adjusted.
  • Adjust bid amounts regularly: It is important to regularly review and adjust the bid amount for each keyword or phrase in order to optimise the ad’s performance. This can be time-consuming, but it is essential for the success of the campaign.
  • Use tools to help with bid management: There are a variety of tools available that can help with bid management, such as Lunio, an invalid traffic prevention solution tool that helps advertisers and PPC specialists stop invalid traffic from wasting their advertising budget. These tools can help to streamline the bid management process and make it more efficient.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is manual bidding right for my business?

Whether manual bidding is right for your business depends on a variety of factors, including the size of your business, your budget, and your level of expertise in PPC advertising. If you have a small budget or are new to PPC advertising, you may want to consider using automatic bidding to take advantage of the efficiency it provides. On the other hand, if you have a large budget and are comfortable managing your own PPC campaigns, manual bidding may be a good choice for your business.

Can I use both manual and automatic bidding for my PPC campaigns?

Yes, it is possible to use both manual and automatic bidding for your PPC campaigns. This can be a good strategy for businesses that want to have some control over their bid amounts, but also want to take advantage of the efficiency provided by automatic bidding algorithms.

How often should I adjust my bid amounts?

It is generally recommended to review and adjust your bid amounts on a regular basis, such as once a week or once a month. This can help to ensure that your bid amounts are appropriate and that your ad is performing well. However, the frequency of bid adjustments may vary depending on the specific goals and needs of your business.