Display ads

Maximize reach, minimize waste.

Expose and eliminate spammy placements and invalid traffic from your display ad campaigns with Lunio’s AI-powered insights and protection

Get started

Display networks have an ad fraud issue. Advertisers are paying for it.

Display ad networks incentivize publishers to feature ads by offering a share of the revenue generated. Some bad actors exploit this by using bots and fake traffic to inflate clicks and views, ultimately wasting your budget and generating fake leads.

Root out invalid traffic with Lunio

Keep display network algorithms focused on targeting (and only charging you for) real users

Verify your display campaign clicks

Lunio’s advanced machine learning algorithm analyzes ad click behaviors in real time to determine whether a user is legitimate, suspicious, or invalid.

Uncover spammy placements

Lunio reports invalid traffic by placement, so you can see which display network publishers are wasting your ad budget and exclude them from your campaign targeting

Clean up your display ad traffic

Strengthen campaign performance by using Lunio’s traffic insights and multiplatform integrations to identify and block invalid users from seeing your display ads

Use Lunio across display networks

Lunio connects with all the major display advertising providers

A future focused approach

Tackling the bigger picture issue of wasteful traffic won’t happen overnight. 
We’re in it for the long haul.

Robust and reliable infrastructure

Lunio invests in world class systems and engineering to power the performance and reliability of our solutions. See our uptime at status.lunio.ai.

Track emissions from invalid traffic

Wasted ad spend comes with a carbon footprint. Lunio lets you measure and reduce the environmental waste from invalid clicks across your paid media.

Privacy and security prioritized

Lunio ensures data protection with encryption, access controls, and incident response. GDPR & CCPA compliant, with advanced security certifications coming soon.

Scale Lunio across paid media

Get more from your ad budget on every platform

Paid search

Block bogus users for better quality leads and traffic

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Paid social

Shield your social campaigns from spammy traffic to improve ROI

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Performance Max

Keep wasteful ad clicks from bleeding your PMax budget dry

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