Paid social
Advertise to humans not bots, with Lunio. Monitor the legitimacy of your traffic and block invalid users from seeing your ads, driving more value from social media campaigns.
Social media bots are more than just the inflammatory imposters lurking in comments and DMs. Invalid traffic from social media platforms is wasting millions of ad dollars annually. The result? Poor returns and unreliable performance data.
The efforts of platforms to address the issues are questionable – they provide little transparency around what they filter out. Advertisers have had enough.
Proactive marketers use Lunio to expose and eliminate invalid users, driving better quality traffic and more impactful social media campaigns
Suspicious of your ad performance? Use Lunio to analyze every ad click from your social channels and see what’s legitimate, and what’s not, at a campaign level.
Strengthen campaign performance by using Lunio’s automatic exclusions to block invalid users from seeing your social ads. Reallocate your budget based on campaign traffic quality.
By uncovering and excluding invalid IPs, Lunio helps reduce the noise created by fake clicks, giving you more accurate campaign performance data to optimize strategies.
Lunio connects with all the major social media platforms
Tackling the bigger picture issue of wasteful traffic won’t happen overnight. We’re in it for the long haul.
Lunio invests in world class systems and engineering to power the performance and reliability of our solutions. See our uptime at
Wasted ad spend comes with a carbon footprint. Lunio lets you measure and reduce the environmental waste from invalid clicks across your paid media.
Lunio ensures data protection with encryption, access controls, and incident response. GDPR & CCPA compliant, with advanced security certifications coming soon.
Get more from your ad budget on every platform