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Leading performance marketers use Lunio

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Real people, real results

Discover how businesses and agencies use Lunio to keep their ad traffic squeaky clean

10.9% increase in conversion rate  •  14.9% decrease in bounce rate

“From day one, the support we’ve had from Lunio has been absolutely first class. And because it’s so easy to use, it was much quicker to get our teams up to speed and actively using the platform on a regular basis.“
Paul Oates
Head of Performance Media, Sykes Cottages

£18,266 saved in first month  •  4.77% clicks exposed as invalid

"Aside from implementing Lunio, we didn’t make any other significant changes to our campaigns. So I’m confident Lunio is responsible for the improved profitability we’re seeing. Since enabling protection conversion rates have also increased, AOVs are up, and traffic seems to be generally stronger across the board."
Paul Harvey
Head of PPC, BigDug

16% saved in ad spend per month  •  29.08% invalid traffic reduction in first month

"When we look at the money we save and reallocate on legitimate prospects, Lunio is a no-brainer from a financial perspective. And the increase in lead quality has enabled us to deliver stable and predictable growth across our more important marketing channels."
Tetiana Stuzhna
Performance Marketing Lead, LearnWorlds

$350,000 pipeline increase in first two months  •  $67,400 reinvested ad spend per month

"Since making the changes Lunio recommended, the issues we were having with lead quality have improved massively. We generated more qualified pipeline in the two months after switching on traffic protection than we had done in the previous two years."
Mandee Richards
Head of Marketing, Canto

13% improvement in on-page conversion rate  •  7% decrease in cost per lead

“When we list the top three things that have helped us in the past year to improve our performance, Lunio is on the list. It's been eye-opening for us.”
Abraham Moreno-Riano
Paid Media Manager, DeVry University