When it comes to PPC ad networks, you probably only think about Google and Bing. However, as you probably know, those aren’t the only ones out there.
Due to the enormous growth of paid media trends, many companies have burst onto the scene with their own ad platforms. With so many companies wanting a slice of the profits, this has led to endless PPC ad networks popping up.
These less popular PPC ad networks contain plenty of cheap keywords that are just waiting to be found by advertisers. Each one specialises in a certain niche, from content marketing to mobile ads. No matter if you’re looking for a new ad network or cheaper alternative, we’ve got plenty of excellent PPC ad networks you need to try.
Here are the top PPC ad networks you need to know about in 2023.
The Best PPC Networks of 2023
Special Mention: Google Ads

The daddy of the PPC world, there’s no denying that Google Ads is still the best thing since sliced bread. With the sheer amount of traffic and keywords up for grabs, using Google Ads is a must no matter the size of your ad campaign or budget. Featuring a huge google display network and millions of 3rd party websites, Google is suitable for any type of ad campaign, including video ads, no matter how niche it may be.
The only downside to Google Ads is its competitiveness. Since it’s the first choice for many ad campaigns and companies, prices can often be costly compared to other lesser-known PPC ad networks. However, it’s no secret that Google is the most used search engine in the world and attracts billions of people every single day. If you want the maximum exposure on your google ads campaigns, then Google Ads should be number 1 on your list.
But enough about Google Ads, we’re here to take a look at the hundreds of other PPC ad networks out there. Let’s begin with one of the most popular networks aside from Google, Bidvertiser.
#1: Bidvertiser

Bidvertiser is a not so well known PPC ad network that is full of cheap clicks and makes a great alternative to AdSense. Maybe you’ve been declined from AdSense or worse, banned!
Whatever the reason, it’s not the end of the world, there are plenty of other great PPC ad networks. Bidvertiser works by displaying its ads on 3rd party websites who sign up under their revenue share scheme. Publishers get a cut of the cost per click for displaying the advert on their advertising platform.
Unlike larger PPC ad networks, the average cost per click on Bidvertiser is much lower. For smaller advertisers, this is great as you can display some ads without paying through the roof.
Using Bidvertiser you can often get cheap short tail keywords instead of long tail keywords which would otherwise cost tens of dollars on Google Ads. Although there are numerous benefits for advertisers, publishers will often have to settle for less than impressive payouts. Cheaper cost per clicks also means cheaper payouts for advertisers which isn’t ideal. Unless you’ve been declined or banned from every PPC ad network out there, we’d stick to using Bidvertiser only for running ad campaigns.
#2: RevContent

With PPC becoming increasingly popular, many search engines and best ppc ad networks have made their own platforms with unique twists. RevContent is one of the best ppc ad platforms that focuses on a particular type of PPC, content advertising. Instead of displaying any old banner ads or dynamic ads on partner websites, RevContent only displays relevant content ads.
Not only does this help increase click-through rates, but also conversion rates. Think of it as a way to advertise your content on an external digital advertising platform. You simply bid for a certain keyword and your content will be displayed underneath relevant content on other sites.
Currently, RevContent gets over 250 billion clicks a month, a huge amount of traffic. If you want to drive some extra traffic to your website via content marketing and optimize your ad spend, then RevContent is a must-use digital advertising platform. Not only can you get a low cost per click, but you’ll also be attracting extremely relevant and information-hungry visitors.
#3: AdRoll

AdRoll is the retargeting network of choice for many online advertisers. Utilising the power of networks from websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google, AdRoll helps turn visitors into buyers.
By actively targeting visitors who have already visited your website, retargeting helps bring visitors back to your website. These ads show up as they browse other websites online which grabs their attention and brings them back.
Using their massive ad exchange, AdRoll can place your adverts on thousands of different websites that constantly remind visitors about your website. This ability to reach almost 100% of past visitors is what really makes this network stand out.
Sure, retargeting is possible on other platforms such as Google, but that only works on certain websites. Since Google Adsense isn’t the only ad network, there will be thousands of websites that won’t display your ad. By combining all of the networks into 1 easy to use platform, AdRoll is a must use if you’re planning on running a successful PPC campaign.
#4: Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads have been around for a while, yet advertisers have only just started to make the most out of the network. Compared to other networks, Facebook Ads allows advertisers to use many unique targeting options that simply aren’t available anywhere else. Instead of focusing on specific keywords, advertisers can dig deeper and target an individual’s interests and likes which isn’t possible on traditional PPC networks.
Another good thing about Facebook Ads is that the ads themselves are particularly hard to block which massively helps increase their exposure. On other networks like Google, a simple adblocking plugin will remove the paid adverts at the top of the searches.
Not ideal if you’re an advertiser and want the most views for your money. However, on Facebook Ads promoted and sponsored posts are seamlessly merged into users news feeds which makes them a lot harder to block. This means more exposure for advertisers and ultimately more clicks.
Recently Facebook Ads have also included their newest platform Instagram to the network, making it possible to advertise on Instagram using the same PPC network. Not only does this increase the reach of the network but again, it helps with reaching those hard to target audiences that don't use Facebook and run adblocker.
#5: Bing Ads

If you’re having any trouble with getting Google Ads working then Bing Ads is an excellent alternative. Known for its similarities to Google, Bing is a highly popular search engine and still receives millions of searches every day.
Responsible for the ads on both the Bing and Yahoo search engine, Bing Ads has the second largest network behind Google. This is obviously an important factor when it comes to PPC campaigns. You might find yourself a really good deal for 1 cent per click, but if you’re only getting 1 click a day (or worse a month) then is it really worth it?
Good PPC campaigns require lots of clicks to drive traffic and ultimately conversions. Without an extensive PPC network that is capable of getting your advert out there, you might as well not be running a campaign at all. To learn more about the bing PPC network, check out our Is Bing PPC A Good Network To Use post.
#6: BuySellAds

Next up on our list of PPC networks is BuySellAds. Although they're not technically a PPC network, they are one of the biggest display ad networks out there. With thousands of different sites to choose from, BuySellAds have the perfect site for every advertiser. Simply search their huge database of websites and pick the most relevant one to your niche. BuySellAds then lets you select from a range of different ad sizes and pricing models from CPM to monthly costs.
In addition to having a wide range of sites, BuySellAds also have exclusive websites that you can't advertise with on other networks. If you want to try something different to PPC ads then display ads are the next step. Although they might not have as much reach or customizability, they're a good tool to have in your arsenal.
#7: Advertise.com

If you're looking to improve your paid search results and increase your profits then Advertise.com is a must-try. Offering a range of services from contextual advertising to social and video, you can get some quality traffic without paying a lot.
Having been in the industry for a very long time, Advertise.com has developed an excellent reputation for themselves. This means you can rely on their service and not have to worry about being scammed, unlike other ad networks.
Overall, Advertise.com is a great replacement for popular PPC networks and can offer some seriously low costs per click. By switching your campaigns over to the less popular ad networks, there is definitely a lot less competition. Not only can you use these low costs to your advantage, but you can also experiment with new advertising methods e.g. video ads.
#8: AdBlade

When it comes to lesser-known PPC networks, AdBlade is an excellent choice. Not only do they boast a reach of over 300 million users, but they also give advertisers the ability to target premium national and local sites.
With a range of ad types including both in and out of content ads, its no wonder AdBlade call themselves the most innovative content-style ad platform on the web!
Having been in business since 2008, AdBlade currently works with hundreds of agencies, brands, and direct response advertisers that rely on the company for their traffic. If you're fed up with paying tens of dollars per click, then AdBlade could be the alternative you're looking for. By specialising in content advertising, AdBlade are able to attract a specific type of user that enjoys reading. If your business currently has a blog and heavily relies on promoting original content then AdBlade could be a great platform to help increase your exposure. With prices starting from as little as a few cents per click, you could be making a much higher return on your advertising budget with this PPC network.
#9: LinkedIn Ads

Known as the “Facebook of business professionals”, LinkedInis a vast social media network that helps professionals connect with eachother.
Currently, LinkedIn is actively used by over 630 millionprofessionals which makes it an excellent place to advertise B2B and commercialservices. Thanks to LinkedIn’s, targeting, advertisers can target users basedon a range of factors, including job title, industry, and function. No matterif you want to increase conversions, improve brand awareness, or even eventregistrations, LinkedIn is great for the professional market.
Just like other PPC networks, LinkedIn also provides users with a range of different ad formats, including sponsored content and inmail messages. With the ability to set ad budgets and choose between CPM or CPC pricing, this makes LinkedIn ads very flexible and attractive to many B2B advertisers.
If you specifically want to target decision-makers in a business, then you won’t find a better PPC network than LinkedIn ads.
#10: Twitter Ads

Another huge social media platform, Twitter is anothersocial media network that is taking advantage of pay per click ads. With millionsof tweets and hashtags being posted every single day, Twitter allowsadvertisers to target the people they want with sponsored tweets.
Advertisers simply target users based on their interests,gender, device, or even keywords and Twitter does the rest. Not only doesTwitter help get your sponsored tweets and messages in front of the rightpeople, but it also helps you grow your followers.
Unlike other PPC networks on this list, this allows you to builda social media following directly by running ads to your profile. This can be agreat long-term investment if you want to build your audience and rely onsocial media for a lot of your sales.
With the ability to target keywords and hashtags, Twitter is also great for targeting events, and even competitors brand names.
#11: Amazon Ads

When you think of PPC networks, Amazon probably doesn’t spring to mind, but you’d be surprised. Just like their AWS web hosting services, Amazon also has its own pay per click network available. As one of the biggest online retailers in the world, just imagine your product being at the top of every Amazon search. Well, with Amazon PPC ads, it can be!
Launched in 2010, the platform has had a significant impacton how businesses advertise their products to customers. With a handy self-serviceplatform and a range of different ad formats, including sponsored products,brands, and stores, advertising on Amazon is an excellent way to drive sales.
Since Amazon is such a big website and brand, when buying certain items, most people will go straight to Amazon. This means other advertising channels such as Google ads will be missed. The only downside of Amazon ads is that you have to sell your item through Amazon which is known for its very relaxed returns and refunds.
#12: AdRecover

With the exponential rise of ads over the past decade, manyweb users have started to fight back by installing AdBlocker. A saviour formany internet users, it’s also become a plague of many advertisers. Not onlydoes it mean not as many users are seeing their ads, but many publishers arealso losing out on advertising revenue.
With AdRecover saying AdBlock installations are growing at34% YoY, then it’s clear that many advertisers are not getting the reach they usedto. Thankfully, AdRecover allows advertisers to display non-instructive adswith strict ad guidelines to users.
This means even if a user has adblocker enabled that block’s traditional ads, they’ll still be able to see these ads from AdRecover. This is great news for advertisers and can give them a real competitive edge over their competition. Most likely networks like these are going to become more popular as even Google’s ads are frequently blocked by AdBlocker. By being to overcome AdBlock, AdRecover has lots of potential to become a super popular PPC network.
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