Paid media fundamentals

Performance marketing

Last updated:

May 30, 2023

Learn about performance marketing and how it can help you measure and optimize your marketing efforts. Discover the best practices for using performance marketing and how to improve your ROI.

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Ben Harris

Ben Harris

Content Writer

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Performance marketing has become a crucial aspect of the online marketing landscape due to its practical and data-driven nature. This digital advertising model ensures that advertisers pay only for specific actions or outcomes, such as clicks, leads, or sales.

Consequently, businesses can effectively allocate their marketing budgets and focus their efforts on generating optimal results. The emphasis on maximising return on investment (ROI) and fine-tuning marketing campaigns to achieve predefined goals distinguishes performance marketing from traditional advertising methods.

Strategies to Improve Performance Marketing Efficiency

Here are some foundational strategies to enhance performance marketing efficiency and maximise ROI:

1. Data-Driven Decision-Making

Harnessing data-driven insights is critical for optimising and improving campaign performance in performance marketing. analysing key metrics enables marketers to identify trends and patterns, which can then be used to refine their strategies for better outcomes.

To learn more about data-driven marketing and how it impacts performance marketing, check out these resources:

Analytics Tools for Data-Driven Decision-Making

A variety of analytics tools are available to assist marketers in tracking campaign performance, measuring user behavior, and obtaining insights for optimisation. These tools empower businesses to make informed decisions based on real-time data, ensuring that campaigns are adjusted and fine-tuned for maximum efficiency.

Consider these popular analytics tools and resources for your performance marketing campaigns:

Real-Time Tracking

Monitoring campaigns in real-time allows marketers to identify issues and make adjustments promptly, ensuring effective allocation of ad spend. Real-time tracking also helps identify high-performing campaigns and audience segments, enabling further optimisation and refinement of marketing strategies.

Explore these resources for effective real-time tracking:

Attribution Modeling

Attribution modeling involves determining how credit for conversions is assigned to different marketing channels and touchpoints in a user's journey. Understanding which channels and touchpoints contribute most to conversions allows marketers to allocate resources effectively, focusing on areas with the most significant impact on ROI.

For more insights into attribution modeling, read:

2. Targeting and Segmentation

Identifying the right audience and targeting them effectively is crucial for successful performance marketing. This process involves segmenting the market into distinct groups based on demographics, behaviors, and other relevant factors, enabling the creation of personalised and relevant campaigns that resonate with the target audience.

Dive into these resources to enhance your targeting and segmentation strategies:

Targeting MethodDescriptionKey AdvantagesPotential Challenges
Demographic TargetingDemographic targeting segments audiences based on factors like age, gender, location, income, and education level, enabling marketers to create tailored campaigns that appeal to specific demographic groups. This results in more effective advertising and improved performance.- Relevant messaging
- Better engagement
- Improved performance
- Limited audience reach
- Potential biases in targeting
Behavioral TargetingBehavioral targeting considers a user's browsing history, past interactions, and other online behaviors to deliver relevant and personalised advertising. By targeting users based on their behavior, marketers can create more engaging and effective campaigns that drive conversions and ROI.- personalised ads
- Increased conversions
- Higher ROI
- Privacy concerns
- Data quality issues
Lookalike AudiencesLookalike audiences are groups of users who share similar characteristics with a business's existing customers or high-value users. By targeting lookalike audiences, marketers can extend their reach to potential customers who are more likely to convert, boosting the overall performance of their campaigns.- Extended reach
- Higher conversion rates
- Cost-effective campaigns
- Ensuring data accuracy
- Maintaining audience relevance

3. Creative Optimisation

The creative elements of a marketing campaign, such as ad design, copy, and format, significantly impact its success. Creative optimisation involves testing and iterating these elements to identify the most effective combination driving engagement and conversions.

Explore these resources for creative optimisation:

A/B Testing

A/B testing, or split testing, compares two or more variations of an ad or landing page to determine the best performer. Continuously testing different creative elements enables marketers to identify the most effective versions and optimise their campaigns.

Check out these resources for effective A/B testing:

Dynamic Creatives

Dynamic creatives use technology to automatically generate personalised ad content based on user data and preferences. This approach enables marketers to create tailored advertising experiences for different audience segments, increasing campaign relevance and effectiveness.

Learn more about dynamic creatives:

Ad Copywriting

Compelling ad copy is crucial for capturing user attention and driving conversions. Crafting engaging and persuasive copy can improve campaign performance and encourage users to take the desired action.

Enhance your ad copywriting skills with these resources:

4. Channel Diversification

Maximising the reach and impact of performance marketing campaigns requires utilising various performance marketing channels, including social media platforms, search engine marketing, influencer marketing, and native advertising.

Explore these resources on channel diversification:

Marketing ChannelDescriptionKey AdvantagesPotential Challenges
Social Media AdvertisingAdvertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and TikTok.- Diverse audience
- Targeted ads
- Ad variety
- Platform expertise
- Ad fatigue
- Ad costs
Search Engine MarketingCombines paid search advertising and SEO to increase visibility on search engines like Google and Bing.- Targeted traffic
- High intent audience
- Visibility
- Competition
- Ongoing efforts
- Ad costs
Influencer MarketingPartner with influencers in a niche to promote a brand or product, leveraging their audience.- Increased reach
- Authenticity
- Niche audiences
- Influencer fit
- ROI measurement
- Costs
Native Advertising/Sponsored ContentPaid media formats that blend with the platform's look and feel.- Less intrusive
- Increased engagement
- User experience
- Content quality
- Transparency
- Ad costs

5. Re-engagement and Remarketing

Re-engaging with users who have previously interacted with a brand or product can lead to improved performance marketing outcomes. Remarketing strategies include retargeting ads, abandoned cart messages, and loyalty programs.

Retargeting AdsAdvertisements targeting users who have previously engaged with a brand or product, designed to rekindle interest and drive conversions. What Is Google Remarketing And Why Is It So Powerful?
Abandoned Cart MessagesAutomated messages sent to users who have left items in their online shopping cart without completing the purchase, encouraging them to return. Remarketing Ads – Targeting Repeat Visitors
Loyalty ProgramsIncentive schemes for repeat customers that offer rewards, discounts, or exclusive offers to encourage brand loyalty and repeat purchases. What is Facebook Remarketing & How to Use It

Additional Resources

6. Automation

Leveraging automation in performance marketing can streamline campaign management, optimise ad spend, and improve overall efficiency. Key automation strategies include programmatic advertising, automated bidding and budgeting, and artificial intelligence (AI).

Automation StrategyDescriptionResources
Programmatic AdvertisingInvolves the use of technology to automate the buying and selling of ad space, allowing for efficient ad spend allocation and improved targeting capabilities. Programmatic Advertising
How to Use DV360
Automated Bidding & BudgetingEnables optimisation of ad spend by adjusting bids and budgets based on campaign performance and predefined goals. Smart Bidding
Automatic Bidding
Artificial Intelligence (AI)AI and machine learning technologies analyse large amounts of data to enhance targeting, optimisation, and overall campaign performance. 4 Reasons to Automate Your Google Ads Budget Monitoring
ChatGPT for PPC

7. Optimisation of Marketing Costs

Efficiently managing marketing costs is essential for maximising the performance of marketing campaigns. Key strategies include bid management, budget allocation, cost-per-action pricing, and click fraud detection tools.

Bid Management & Budget AllocationInvolves adjusting ad spend and bids based on campaign performance and goals to ensure cost-effective campaigns with optimal results. Measuring the Success of Bid Management
Manual Bidding
Cost-per-action PricingCPA pricing models enable businesses to allocate marketing budget efficiently by paying only for specific actions or outcomes. Target Cost-per-Action (CPA)
How to Create a Bid Strategy
Click Fraud DetectionMonitoring and preventing fraudulent activity using click fraud detection tools ensures marketing budgets are spent on legitimate clicks and actions. 9 Ways to Detect Click Fraud
How Does A Click Fraud Prevention Platform Work?

Key Performance Marketing Platforms

A variety of performance marketing platforms are available to help businesses launch, manage, and optimise their campaigns. Some of the most popular platforms include:

Performance Marketing Metrics and KPIs

In order to effectively measure the success of performance marketing campaigns, it's important to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as:

PlatformDescriptionNotable Features
Google AdsOffers search, display, video, and shopping advertising options to reach potential customers on Google Search, YouTube, and various partner websites.– Search ads 
 – Display ads 
 – Video ads 
 – Shopping ads
Facebook AdsAllows businesses to create targeted ad campaigns that appear on Facebook, Instagram, and the Audience Network, reaching specific audience segments.– Various ad formats 
 – Detailed targeting options 
 – Cross-platform integration
Instagram AdsManaged through the Facebook Ads platform, offers visually engaging content on Instagram with formats like photo, video, carousel, and Stories ads.– Photo ads 
 – Video ads 
 – Carousel ads 
 – Stories ads
LinkedIn AdsA business-focused platform that enables companies to reach a professional audience with targeting options like job title, company size, and industry. Ideal for B2B marketing.– Sponsored Content 
 – Sponsored InMail 
 – Display Ads 
 – Text Ads
Pinterest AdsAllows businesses to showcase products and services to Pinterest users searching for ideas and inspiration through Promoted Pins.– Promoted Pins 
 – Promoted Video Pins 
 – Promoted App Pins 
 – Promoted Carousel Pins
Twitter AdsOffers a variety of advertising options, including Promoted Tweets, Promoted Accounts, and Promoted Trends to increase reach, engagement, and followers on Twitter.– Promoted Tweets 
 – Promoted Accounts 
 – Promoted Trends 
 – Promoted Moments
TikTok AdsProvides businesses with an opportunity to engage a young and highly active audience through short, creative video content with various ad formats and targeting options.– In-feed ads 
 – Branded hashtag challenges 
 – Branded effects 
 – TopView ads

Some commonly tracked KPIs include:

  1. Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of users who click on an ad after viewing it.
  2. Conversion rate: The percentage of users who take the desired action (e.g., make a purchase, sign up for a newsletter) after clicking on an ad.
  3. Return on ad spend (ROAS): The revenue generated from advertising divided by the total amount spent on ads.
  4. Cost per acquisition (CPA): The average amount spent to acquire a new customer through advertising.
  5. Cost per click (CPC): The average amount spent for each click generated by an ad.
  6. Impressions: The number of times an ad is displayed to users.
  7. Marketing Efficiency Ratio (MER): A measure of the overall efficiency of marketing efforts, calculated by dividing the revenue generated by the total marketing expenses.

By monitoring these KPIs and making data-driven decisions, marketers can continuously optimise their campaigns for better performance and ROI.

Challenges in Performance Marketing

While there are numerous benefits of performance marketing, it also presents a range of challenges, including:

Ad fraud and viewability

Ad fraud and viewability issues can impact the performance and cost-efficiency of digital advertising campaigns. Businesses need to implement measures to ensure their ads are viewed by legitimate users and minimise the risk of fraud.

To gain insights into the methods scammers use to profit from ad fraud, read How Scammers Make Money From Ad Fraud. Additionally, discover the financial impact of ad fraud on businesses worldwide by exploring How Much Does Ad Fraud Cost Businesses Each Year?.

Privacy concerns and regulations

As consumer privacy concerns and data protection regulations continue to evolve, businesses must adapt their marketing strategies to comply with these changes and maintain user trust.

The Marketer's Advertising Privacy-First Guide will help you navigate the advertising landscape while prioritising user privacy. Furthermore, learn how to drive marketing performance in the age of data privacy and regulatory compliance with Driving Marketing Performance in a Privacy-Centric World.

Platform-specific limitations

Each marketing platform has its own unique limitations, such as targeting options, ad formats, and audience reach. Marketers need to be aware of these limitations and adjust their campaigns accordingly to maximise their performance.

Explore how Google has limited advertisers' control over their ad spend in 13 Ways Google Has Taken Away Control Over Ad Spend, and understand the impact of Google's Expanded Text Ads (ETAs) phase-out on advertisers' control by reading The Death Of ETAs And Advertisers' Control.

Attribution challenges

Attributing conversions and revenue to specific marketing campaigns and touchpoints can be complex, especially in multi-channel marketing environments.

Accurate attribution is essential for understanding campaign performance and making data-driven decisions. Learn about the challenges and best practices for PPC tracking and attribution in the age of privacy with PPC Tracking & Attribution in the Privacy Age.

Ad blockers

Ad blockers can limit the visibility and effectiveness of digital ads, making it more challenging for marketers to reach their target audience. Businesses need to consider alternative ad formats and strategies to overcome this challenge.

Understand the AdNauseam ad blocker extension and its implications on digital advertising by reading What is Ad Nauseam Ad Blocker Extension For Chrome?.

Limited Data Availability

Access to accurate and reliable data is essential for successful performance marketing. Data limitations, such as incomplete or outdated information, can hinder campaign optimisation and decision-making processes.

Discover the implications of Google Ads' decision to hide some search terms data on campaign performance and optimisation by reading The Impact of Google Ads Hiding Search Terms Data.

Ad Fatigue

Ad fatigue occurs when users become less responsive to ads due to overexposure or lack of relevance. Marketers must regularly refresh their ad creatives and targeting strategies to maintain user engagement and prevent ad fatigue. 

To understand how to take advantage of changing online behaviors and combat ad fatigue, read Work Smarter: Take Advantage Of Changing Online Behaviors.

Increasing Competition

As the performance marketing landscape becomes more competitive, businesses must continually innovate and adapt their strategies to stay ahead of their competitors and maintain a strong market presence.

Understand the reality of competitor click fraud by reading Is Competitor Click Fraud Real? Do Competitors Really. Explore The Top PPC Competitor analysis Tools To Spy On Your to discover tools that will help you stay ahead of the competition.

Tools for Monitoring and Improving Performance Marketing

Various tools are available to help businesses monitor and improve their performance marketing campaigns, including:

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful web analytics tool that provides insights into website traffic, user behavior, and marketing campaign performance. It enables businesses to track key performance metrics, such as conversions, bounce rate, and user demographics. Learn how to use Google Analytics for PPC with this guide: How to Use Google Analytics for PPC. Additionally, explore GA4 best practices by reading The Ultimate Guide to Google Analytics GA4.

Heat Mapping Tools

Heat mapping tools, like Hotjar, Microsoft Clarity, and Crazy Egg, help businesses visualise user engagement and interaction on their websites. These tools provide valuable insights into how users navigate the site and engage with content, allowing businesses to optimise their website for better user experience and conversions. Discover more about these heat mapping tools:

  • Hotjar: A comprehensive heatmap, feedback, and behavior analytics tool that helps you understand user behavior on your website.
  • Microsoft Clarity: A free heatmap and session recording tool that offers insights into user interactions, helping you make data-driven decisions for website improvements.
  • Crazy Egg: A heatmap and A/B testing tool that provides insights into user behavior, enabling you to make informed decisions for website optimisation.

Conversion Tracking Tools

Conversion tracking tools enable businesses to monitor the performance of their marketing campaigns by tracking specific user actions, such as clicks, sign-ups, or purchases. This information helps marketers evaluate the success of their campaigns and identify areas for improvement. Some popular conversion tracking tools include:

  • Google Ads Conversion Tracking: Measure the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns by tracking user actions after they click on your ads.
  • Facebook Pixel: Track conversions from your Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns by implementing the Facebook Pixel on your website.

Ad Management Platforms

Ad management platforms, like Google Ads Manager and Facebook Business Manager, help businesses streamline their ad campaign management processes. These platforms provide centralised access to campaign performance data, targeting options, and ad creation tools. Explore these platforms here:

  • Google Ads Manager: Manage and optimise your Google Ads campaigns through a single, easy-to-use interface.
  • Facebook Business Manager: Access all your Facebook and Instagram ad campaign tools and resources in one place.

Ad Optimisation Tools

Ad optimisation tools, such as Optmyzr, AdEspresso, and ClickCease, help businesses improve the performance of their advertising campaigns by providing insights and recommendations for optimising targeting, bids, and ad creatives. Check out these powerful ad optimisation tools:

  • Optmyzr: Enhance your PPC campaigns with automated recommendations, advanced reporting, and time-saving tools.
  • AdEspresso: Simplify and optimise your Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads campaigns with an all-in-one ad management platform.
  • Lunio: Protect your ad campaigns from click fraud and improve your ROI with a powerful ad fraud detection and prevention tool.

Performance Marketing Best Practices

To achieve the best results from performance marketing campaigns, there are several best practices that marketers should follow:

  • Set clear, measurable goals: Before launching a performance marketing campaign, it is important to define clear, measurable goals. This will help ensure the campaign is focused and progress can be tracked and measured.
  • Segment your audience: Segmenting your audience allows you to target specific groups of people with tailored marketing messages. This can help to improve the relevance and effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • Use data to inform campaign strategy: Data analytics tools can provide valuable insights into the performance of your campaigns. Use this data to inform your campaign strategy and optimise your campaigns for better results.
  • Continuously optimise campaigns: Performance marketing is an iterative process. It is important to continuously monitor and optimise your campaigns to ensure that they are delivering the best possible results.
  • Leverage automation and technology: There are many tools and technologies available that can help to automate and optimise performance marketing campaigns. Leveraging these tools can help to save time and improve efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions about Performance Marketing

Which performance marketing strategies should businesses use?

It depends on the goals of the business. Generally, performance marketing campaigns can be into two main strategies – lead generation and direct response.

Lead generation campaigns focus on building brand awareness, generating leads, and expanding a customer base.

Direct response campaigns are designed to generate immediate sales by targeting current customers with more tailored messaging. Businesses should develop an understanding of their objectives and target audience in order to choose the most appropriate performance marketing strategy.

For example, businesses seeking long-term growth might opt for lead generation campaigns, while those looking to increase immediate sales revenue might focus on direct response campaigns. Once a performance marketing strategy has been chosen, businesses can then determine which channels and ad types are the most suitable for achieving their objectives.

Each channel has its own strengths, weaknesses, and best practices. For example, search engine marketing (SEM) is a great fit for businesses looking to quickly reach an audience with targeted messaging; while display/banner ads are better suited to raising brand awareness or creating a more immersive experience.

It is also important to ensure that ads are correctly tracked, and analytics are in place to measure performance. This way, businesses can identify which campaigns are working and make necessary adjustments to maximise return on investment (ROI). Additionally, companies should regularly review their budgeting and bidding strategies to ensure they remain competitive in the marketplace.

Is SEO a performance marketing?

No, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is not considered performance marketing. SEO focuses on optimising a website's content, structure, and visibility to rank higher in search engine results. While SEO can improve website performance, it does not involve a cost-per-action model or direct payment for specific user actions.

Is performance marketing a PPC?

Performance marketing encompasses a variety of marketing tactics, including PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising. PPC is a subset of performance marketing where businesses pay each time a user clicks on their ads.

What is the difference between performance marketing and digital marketing?

Performance marketing is a subset of digital marketing focused on measurable outcomes, where businesses only pay when specific actions are completed. Digital marketing is a broader term that includes all marketing efforts leveraging digital channels, such as search engines, social media marketing, email, and websites, regardless of the payment model.

What makes up performance marketing?

Performance marketing includes various tactics and channels that businesses use to generate measurable outcomes, such as PPC advertising, affiliate marketing, display advertising, email marketing, and social media advertising. The key feature of performance marketing is the cost-per-action payment model.

Is performance marketing the same as programmatic?

No, performance marketing and programmatic advertising are not the same. Performance marketing refers to marketing tactics where payment is based on measurable outcomes, while programmatic advertising is the automated process of buying and selling digital ad space using real-time bidding and data-driven targeting.

What is the difference between brand and performance marketing?

Brand marketing focuses on building brand awareness, recognition, and reputation to create long-term customer relationships. Performance marketing is centered around measurable outcomes, such as clicks, leads, or sales, with a cost-per-action payment model. Both marketing strategies serve different purposes but can complement each other in a comprehensive marketing plan.

What is the difference between growth and performance marketing?

Growth marketing is a holistic approach that focuses on driving sustainable business growth by attracting, engaging, and retaining customers through various marketing tactics. Performance marketing is a subset of growth marketing, specifically targeting measurable outcomes with a cost-per-action payment model.

What is the opposite of performance marketing?

The opposite of performance marketing might be considered traditional or brand marketing, where the focus is on building brand awareness and recognition rather than directly measuring specific user actions and outcomes.

Why is performance marketing better?

Performance marketing may not always be better, but it offers certain advantages, such as cost efficiency, measurability, and targeting. Performance marketing allows businesses to pay only for desired actions, which helps optimise marketing budgets and increase ROI. Additionally, it provides data-driven insights that enable continuous campaign optimisation.

Is performance marketing the same as direct response?

Performance marketing and direct response marketing share similarities, as both are focused on generating immediate, measurable results. However, direct response marketing can include non-digital channels, such as direct mail or TV advertising, while performance marketing is primarily digital and often includes a cost-per-action payment model.

Is performance marketing the same as media buying?

No, performance marketing is not the same as media buying. Performance marketing is a marketing strategy focused on measurable outcomes, using various digital channels and a cost-per-action payment model. Media buying, on the other hand, is the process of purchasing advertising space across various channels, including digital, print, radio, and television, to reach the target audience. Media buying can be a part of performance marketing when purchasing ad space on digital channels with a cost-per-action payment model.

How do brand and performance marketing work together?

Brand and performance marketing can work together by complementing each other's strengths and objectives. While brand marketing focuses on building awareness, recognition, and trust, performance marketing drives immediate, measurable results. Combining these strategies can help businesses create a comprehensive marketing plan that balances long-term brand building with short-term revenue generation.

Who is a performance marketing manager?

A performance marketing manager is a marketing professional responsible for planning, executing, and optimising performance marketing campaigns. Their role typically involves managing advertising budgets, selecting appropriate marketing channels, targeting specific audience segments, analysing campaign data, and making data-driven decisions to improve campaign performance and maximise ROI.

How much do advertisers pay marketing companies for performance-based marketing campaigns?

The amount advertisers pay for performance-based marketing campaigns depends upon the type of campaign and its associated objectives. Generally, they use a CPA (Cost-per-action) model, which is based on the number of conversions generated by the campaign. Other advertising programs such as CPM (Cost-per-thousand impressions) or CPC (Cost-per-click) models may also be used depending on the advertiser's goals. Ultimately, it comes down to the marketer and advertiser negotiating an agreement that works for both parties.