Drive More Holiday Bookings With The Same Budget

Eliminate fake ad engagements across your marketing channels and give fake traffic a one-way ticket out of your campaigns.


Increase in ROAS using Lunio


Ad spend saved in 5 months


Increase in ROI using Lunio


Savings in ad spend per month

Turn Wasted spend Into Bookings & Reservations


Convert Lookers to Bookers

Get rid of fake and non-human “lookers” and focus 100% of your travel marketing budget on increasing bookings.

Prepare For Peak Season

Protect your PPC campaigns from spikes in invalid traffic and fake ad engagements during peak booking periods.

Level Up Your ROAS

Increase marketing ROI contribution by converting wasted ad spend into revenue growth.

Reduce Fake Account Creation

Stop unwanted automated account creation and loyalty points abuse via your paid acquisition channels.

Stop Scrapers

Prevent scraper bots from depleting your marketing budget and retain a competitive edge by focusing your budget on real customers.

Block Fake Leads

Stop fake traffic from distorting your analytics and prevent fake leads from contaminating your CRM.

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Ready to End Wasted Ad Spend?

See how thousands of Lunio users save up to 30% of their ad spend each month.